Income Tax Calculator


Get a quick and accurate Income Tax estimate and compare with new tax slabs for year 2025-26 /A.Y.2026-27.

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Annual Income

Input your Annual Income and click outside the textbox

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Basic Salary

Input your basic salary and click outside the textbox

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Professional Tax

Input yearly professional tax and click outside the textbox

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Other Exemptions

Input Other Exemptions and click outside the textbox

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Income from other sources

Input income from other sources and click outside the textbox

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House rent allowance under section 10(13A)

Input your Annual HRA and click outside the textbox

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Investments u/s 80c of Income tax Act 1961

Input the sum of 80c deductions and click outside the textbox

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80CCD1 Mandatory NPS contribution by employer

Input the 80ccd1 deductions and click outside the textbox

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80CCD(1b)-Voluntary Additional NPS Employee Contribution

Input the 80ccd(1b) deductions and click outside the textbox

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80CCD(2)- NPS Employer Contribution

Input the 80ccd(2) deductions and click outside the textbox

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80TTA- Interest on deposits in saving Account (not fixed deposits) for non senior citizens.

Input the 80tta investments and click outside the textbox

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80TTB- Deductions for senior citizens on Interest income.

Input the 80tta investments and click outside the textbox

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Health Insurance Premium Self/Spouse/Dependent Children u/s 80D of Income Tax Act 1961.

Input the 80d investments and click outside the textbox.

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80U-(Self)Permanent Physical Disability

Input the 80u deduction and click outside the textbox.

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80DD-Physically of Handicapped dependent.

Input the 80dd deduction and click outside the textbox.

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80DDB-medical treatment of specific disease(Self/Dependents).

Input the 80ddb investments and click outside the textbox.

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Housing loan Interest Paid(self occupied).

Input the value of loss on self prop and click outside the textbox.

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Section 24 Loss from House Property LetOut Property

Input the value and click outside the textbox.

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80EE - Additional Deduction in respect of housing loan interest for the first house property acquired in FY 16-17.

Input the 80EE deduction and click outside the textbox

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80EEA - Additional deduction for Affordable Housing.

Input the 80EE Deductions and click outside the textbox

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Other Deductions in various sections.

Input other deductions and click outside.

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Total Income:
Total investment:
Taxable Income:
Tax Surcharge:
Total Tax(Surcharge + Cess):
    Total Income:
    Total investment:
    Taxable Income:
    Tax Surcharge:
    Total Tax(Surcharge + Cess):